Our Story.

Our Vision.

We envision a world where a vibrant grassroots journalism community promotes social justice, civic engagement, and media literacy by democratizing the work of journalism itself and by revealing the connections between the local and the global.

This kind of journalism prioritizes diverse voices within and across national borders in order to help people — including the journalists themselves — understand how the things that are happening in faraway places are inherently connected to things happening close to home.

We envision grassroots journalism playing a dynamic role in weaving the world together, supporting struggles to break down existing structures of power and oppression, and building alternative structures that are more humane, just, and resilient.

Our Mission.

Weave News is a global network of grassroots journalists who investigate and report about contemporary issues that are either underreported by establishment and other corporate media or reported in a way that excludes essential context, perspectives, and voices.

We specialize in issues that have a strong justice component and that reveal connections across communities, borders, struggles, and experiences.

We provide space for people to report from where they are, from the ground, drawing on their own experiences as well as the journalistic training and editorial support we provide.

We offer opportunities to individuals who want to hone their reporting, storytelling, and production skills and who have not yet had the chance to publish their work professionally.

We seek to inspire our audiences to become more critical consumers of information, and we invite them to become actively involved in the essential, democratic, and justice-seeking work of grassroots journalism itself.

Our Values.

In pursuing our mission as grassroots journalists, we are guided by a clear set of values grounded in three specific impulses.

The Activist Impulse

The activist impulse leads us to emphasize the necessary role of journalism in the pursuit of justice. Unlike many professional journalists who claim a position of “objectivity,” we prefer to be open about our perspectives and motivations even as we embrace the journalistic responsibility to seek and report the truth.

The Democratic Impulse

The democratic impulse leads us to value participation, diversity, and collaboration across social boundaries. This impulse supports a vision of “people’s news” where everyone can participate in the work of journalism because everyone has a stake in the creation of a more just world.

The Truth Impulse

Finally, the truth impulse leads us to share the traditional journalistic commitments to accuracy, integrity, responsible representation, and the fair treatment of evidence along with the urgent work of combatting disinformation and other forms of propaganda. At the same time, we believe in seeking and building truth from the ground up by weaving together diverse experiences and perspectives rather than seeking truth primarily in the views of specialized experts and institutions who tend to dominate contemporary news coverage.

Here at Weave News, we are constantly asking ourselves one key question:

What are you Weaving?

How you can get involved.

If you support our mission and want to play a role in our work, we encourage you to consider Weaving with us!

Visit Get Involved to learn more about how you can:

  • Submit your work

  • Volunteer with us

  • Apply to join our staff

  • Bring Weave News to your community, or

  • Support our grassroots journalism work with a financial contribution.

Thank you, and keep Weaving!