Alejandro es un maestro, sanador y artista radicado en Veracruz, México. Ha estado preocupado por la idea de la supremacía humana sobre la naturaleza desde la escuela primaria en la década de 1960. Su práctica como acupunturista lo ha llevado a trabajar extensamente con las abejas meliponas (sin aguijón) que son esenciales para la ecología de la región.
Alejandro is a teacher, healer, and artist based in Veracruz, Mexico. He has been concerned with the idea of human supremacy over nature ever since elementary school in the 1960s. His practice as an acupuncturist has led him to work extensively with the melipona (stingless) bees that are essential to the ecology of the region.
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Instagram: @alexvasudeva
Suffocated by the accumulated heat of the day, the night became long. The smell of smoke woke us up. At that moment we thought that some neighbor was burning garbage. We soon realized that the smell was different. It smelled more like burnt wood.