Nela Chestojanova (she/her/hers) is a member of St. Lawrence University's class of 2027, majoring in Biomedical Sciences and Psychology. A native Macedonian fortunate to have had educational experience in four different countries worldwide, her interests revolve around exploring how educational systems, storytelling, and cultural heritage can serve as tools for empowering communities and fostering social change. Passionate about the intersection of global issues and the identities of people and places, Nela is committed to bridging cultural gaps, creating spaces for dialogue, and understanding.
Even a simple thing like taking a stroll around a Danish city can tell you about this country's deep commitment to combating climate change and supporting the welfare of its people. Copenhagen's approach to sustainability quickly stood out to me; even the smallest details on the streets—like the city’s trash bins—have a deeper meaning and purpose than what meets the eye.