Nkosi is a singer, songwriter and storyteller born and raised in a township called Thokoza in the east of Johannesburg, South Africa. At the age of 12, she attended a leadership academy in Johannesburg and then attended a liberal arts college in New York. She graduated college in 2019 with honors in sociology and a computer science minor. Nkosi is passionate about sharing stories of hope, healing, triumph and love. While speaking at the Together Live Tour in Texas and Arkansas, she told her personal story of overcoming and becoming. She is currently in South Africa working on her music and hopes that it will be an added chapter in her journey to becoming the woman and storyteller she wants to be in the world.
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Instagram and Twitter: @nkosi_note
“There is still so much that happens to people of color that we should be upset about and protesting against. There is still so much work to be done before PWIs can truly be safe spaces for students of color too. Even though that is the case, my challenges being at a PWI taught me that I should not feel guilty for taking care of myself first. I learned about the importance of safe spaces and community.”