What is Interweaving?
Join us for fresh, timely conversations about underreported stories from around the globe. We highlight the role of grassroots journalists, activists, and authors who are working to create a better information ecosystem and a more just world.

Interweaving #18 - COVID-19 Diaries (May 19, 2020)
In this episode, we hear from seven university students in the United States and Pakistan regarding their recent experiences and the local effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the impact on food systems and education to the implications for local healthcare and human rights, we get a glimpse of some of the far-reaching changes that this global public health crisis has set in motion.
Cover image: Oa.coello / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)

Interweaving #16 - COVID-19 Diaries (April 24, 2020)
In this episode, we continue weaving the world during a global pandemic with more “COVID-19 Diaries” from citizen reporters. What are they seeing and experiencing, how are their communities affected, and what are some of the larger issues at play? This episode features reports from Italy, Costa Rica, and Myanmar as well as reflections from two filmmakers who returned to the US from Mexico in the midst of the pandemic.

Interweaving #15 - COVID-19 Diaries (April 14, 2020)
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread globally, we continue weaving the world together through first-hand testimonies from citizen reporters. What are they seeing and experiencing, how are their communities affected, and what are some of the larger issues at play? This episode features reports from Boston, Swaziland, France, and Michigan.

Interweaving #14 - COVID-19 Diaries (April 4, 2020)
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread globally, we continue weaving the world together through first-hand testimonies from citizen reporters. What are they seeing and experiencing, how are their communities affected, and what are some of the larger issues at play? This episode features reports from New York City, China, Zimbabwe, and Guatemala.

Interweaving #13 - COVID-19 Diaries (March 31, 2020)
In this episode, we hear from Avana Mohandesi in India, Amanda Barreto Salgueiro in Brazil, Emilia Mattila in Finland, and Khin Maung in Myanmar. What we learn from them is that the COVID-19 story is inevitably entangled with other ongoing stories about state power, worker safety, mental health, uneven access to information and health care, and the courageous efforts of ordinary people to build grassroots responses grounded in social solidarity.

Interweaving #12 - COVID-19 Diaries (March 26, 2020)
In this episode, our COVID-19 Diaries series continues with reports from Aubrey Menarndt in Hong Kong, Brendan O’Keefe in Vermont (having just returned from Mozambique), Haneen AbdAlnabi in Gaza, Mamata Shrestha in Nepal, and Wafa Ramini in Jordan. These voices from diverse locations give us a sense of the differential impact of the global pandemic on individuals and communities.

Interweaving #11 - COVID-19 Diaries (March 24, 2020)
In this episode, we continue weaving the world together in the midst of a global health crisis by hearing from Weave News contributors in Hong Kong, Bolivia, Australia, Thailand, and the Netherlands. How is COVID-19 affecting their communities? What are they seeing and experiencing? And what are some of the larger questions raised by this ongoing pandemic?

Interweaving #10 - COVID-19 Diaries (March 20, 2020)
In this episode, we continue to weave the world together in the midst of a global health crisis by hearing from three Weave News contributors in Myanmar, Qatar, and Spain. How is COVID-19 affecting their communities? What are they seeing and experiencing? And what are some of the larger questions raised by this ongoing pandemic?