Let's Celebrate Earth Guardians and Environmental Solutions


Even amidst the chaos of the global pandemic, it is important to take a step back and remember that all of us, from human beings to the most minute microbe, are all living organisms on the blue marble that we call Earth. The planet on which we live is itself an exquisitely complex macro-organism, an intricate web of ecosystems that host over a trillion life forms. Due to the human-induced climate crises, these vibrant ecosystems have come under threat. COVID-19 is but a symptom of a much larger emergency, and emergency induced the overexploitation of the global ecosystem. However, even at this ecological tipping point, there are still rays of hope.

On this Earth Day, we from theTalking Wings Collective are saying no to doom and gloom. Especially during the current pandemic, it is easy to succumb to an apocalyptic worldview. Yes, the doomsday clock has never been closer to the destruction of all organized life on earth(100 seconds to midnight, to be exact), and large corporations are only accelerating their environmental cannibalism. But we must also celebrate the brave work of human communities who are striving to plant the seeds of global/local change. At this very moment, these “earth and water guardians” are pushing back the hands of the doomsday clock and working against time to create a sustainable and regenerative future.

The Talking Wings Collective and Weave News will be partnering to share some of these stories of brave individuals and communities who are fighting to turn the tide and end this climate emergency. Talking Wings is a collective of environmental artists and filmmakers who are working onBurning or Breathing: Guardians of Earth and Water. The documentary and multimedia project follows Earth Guardians from across Turtle Island/North America as they create a restorative alternative to the global climate emergency. We will be releasing a series of videos that document these brave voices and highlight solutions we can all replicate as we strive to do our part in ending this destructive economy.


We are starting off the series in Veracruz, Mexico (Totonaca and Mixteca Territory). There we met with multiple individuals and collectives who were using regenerative agriculture practices to protect the rivers of the Antigua Watershed and the biodiversity of the cloud forests ecosystem. One of these collectives is El Manantial de las Flores (the Fountain of Flowers).

El Manantial de las Flores

El Manantial de las Flores is a family collective based on the agriecological farm "Agua Escondida" located in Coatepec, Veracruz, MX. Gapo (Maria de la Luz Aguirre Perez Oronoz) is the founder of the farm, and her son-in-law, Leonel Morales, took us around the property to show us the work that has been done over course of forty years to promote regenerative agricultural practices and preserve the environment and its pollinators. From food drying practices to raising Melipona stingless bees, the "Manantial de las Flores" is one of the pioneer farms in Veracruz, Mexico. It is striving to promote a different kind of agriculture, one that lives in harmony with the environment and preserves native species and habitats.

Solar Food Dehydrators / Deshidratadores Solares de Alimentos

One of the ways in which the "Agua Escondida" Agriecological Farm has revolutionized its food production is by introducing solar food dehydrators. According to Leonel Morales, solar food dehydrators are fundamental tools in sustainable and regenerative agriculture. They allow long-term food preservation, which helps prevent food waste and reduces transportation costs.

In the following video, Morales explains why his farm uses solar food dehydrators and how they can reshape agriculture around the world.


If you want to know more about El Manatial de las Flores, visit their website at https://organicosmanantial.com/. You can also find more about the larger project, the documentary film, and the Talking Wings Collective by going tohttps://talking-wings.com. Our core team is primarily comprised of Veronica Blake Lavia, Tzintzun Aguilar-Izzo, and producer Alejandro Beltrán Cordero. Talking Wings stands in solidarity with the communities and indigenous nations on the front lines of this climate emergency.

Talking Wings

Talking Wings creates ECO-CENTRIC stories, sharing the voice of Nature, the collective of ecosystems to which we belong. Through stories and actions, Talking Wings invites humans to listen to Land, Water, their inhabitants, and respect the rights (rites) of all.


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