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The Myth of Responsible Mining Debunked: Venezuela’s Orinoco Mining Arc
n 2016, Venezuela’s government designated the Orinoco Mining Arc for extractive activities. What is allegedly envisioned as a development zone, meant to increase the mining revenue of the nation, is in fact an epicenter for human rights violations, illicit mineral extraction and ecocide. However, the authoritarian Maduro regime continuously denies and distances itself from these crimes. As this analysis shows, in officialist Venezuelan media outlets, many things are left unsaid regarding this highly contested territory.
The Hidden Crisis: Venezuela’s Imminent Ecocide and the Orinoco Mining Arc
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro created the National Strategic Development Zone of the Orinoco Mining Arc in 2016. Commonly known as the Arco Minero, it comprises an area of 111,843.70 km², larger than Cuba, adjacent to the Orinoco river, and is designated for unlawful mineral extraction. The Arco represents 12% of the country’s territory and is a severe environmental problem for the region.