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Silent Voice from Holot: Episodes 16-17 (Video)
By Osman Mohamed Ali
In the latest installments of the Silent Voice from Holot video series, Ali describes the process through which asylum seekers are summoned to and eventually released from the Holot detention facility. In Episode 17 he narrates his own final day in Holot and explains the cyclical process through which released detainees are replaced with others.
Silent Voice From Holot: Episode 15 (Video)
By Osman Mohamed Ali
In the latest installment of the Silent Voice From Holot video series, our host Ali gives us an inside look at how the more than 3,000 asylum-seekers being held in the Holot detention facility keep their spirits up through athletic, educational, and other everyday activities.
Silent Voice From Holot: Episodes 10-11 (Video)
By John Collins
In the 10th and 11th installments of the Silent Voice From Holot series, Ali introduces us to some of the people who come to visit the Holot detention facility to express their solidarity with the asylum-seekers being held there. Episode 10 features human rights workers, while Episode 11 features a special performance by Dream Boys, a musical group that was created in Holot.
From Darfur to Holot: My Story
By Osman Mohamed Ali
This post is part of our project, Holot: Crossroads of Global Violence.
I am one of the victims and survivors of the Darfur genocide in Sudan.
I was born in a small village around Zalingei in Western Darfur. Growing up in Sudan, education has always been something that helped me to overcome obstacles in my life, but obstacles have now arisen that stop me from even obtaining an education. My primary school was far from my village, and it took me more than two hours to get to school on foot every day. Despite all the difficulties and instances of interruption, I have never lost faith in the power of education.
Silent Voice From Holot: Episodes 8-9 (Video)
By John Collins
In the 8th and 9th episodes of the Silent Voice From Holot series, Ali speaks with some of the other African asylum-seekers who are being held in the Holot detention facility.
Silent Voice From Holot: Episodes 6-7 (Video)
By John Collins
In the 6th and 7th episodes of the Silent Voice From Holot series, Ali explains the process of how asylum seekers are summoned to Holot and gives us additional information about the regulations of the Holot detention center.
Silent Voice From Holot: Episodes 4-5 (Video)
By John Collins
In the fourth and fifth reports in the Silent Voice From Holot series, Ali provides some information on how the detention center is structured and gives us a look inside one section of the facility.
Silent Voice From Holot: Episodes 1-3 (Video)
By John Collins
Silent Voice From Holot is a citizen journalism project featuring short videos made by asylum-seekers being held in the Holot detention facility in Israel. All videos will be featured here on the Weave News website, on our YouTube channel, and on the Silent Voice From Holot website. In this post we feature the first three episodes of the series. Ali, an asylum-seeker from Darfur (Sudan) and Weave News contributor, introduces us to the detention facility and the reasons why the asylum-seekers have found themselves living there.