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The Lightning Strike of False Rape Accusations
By Christian Exoo
The chances of being falsely accused of rape are similar to being struck by lightning-- one in a million. So why is the Department of Education meeting with men’s rights activists who perpetuate the myth of false accusations?
Jim Crow on Campus, Episode 2: "Ashley"
By Erin Corbine
In this episode of Jim Crow on Campus, reporter Erin Corbine sits down with “Ashley.” Ashley, who’s using an alias out of fear of retaliation from police and the administration, is a senior at SUNY Canton. She sheds light on her experiences involving University Police. In this episode, we gain insight into the officers’ strategic circumvention of the Fourth Amendment - the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
Jim Crow on Campus, Episode 1: "Tyreek"
By Christian Exoo
In the first episode of the new Jim Crow on Campus podcast series, reporter Erin Corbine talks to student Tyreek Alicea about his experiences with the SUNY Canton police. We learn what additional powers SUNY Canton police have over students, how they use them, what a “module” is, and Tyreek’s tips for not attracting the attention of the cops.