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We Have Entered the Era of ‘Global Boiling’ - Marine Wildlife, Ecosystems, and Economies Are Being Devastated
Marine heat waves are causing record-breaking ocean temperatures that kill animals and impact ocean-based industries.
Trump, Europe, and Military Spending
It is clear that Donald Trump's broad victory in the US elections will have – and already has, in fact – important economic, social and political consequences, both in the United States and on a global scale. And, of course, it also affects Europe.
This Europe, No
From June 6-9, elections for the European Parliament, the only genuinely democratic institution in the community’s institutional framework - its members are directly chosen by the citizenry, whereas the rest are intergovernmental in nature - will be held. It is a good moment to think about the challenges facing the European Union (EU) and, I would say, the entire planet.
The Numbing Language That the Left Cannot Accept
It’s very necessary to focus on the terms that are habitually used in economics - and the so-called social sciences in general - and that are often taken for granted. Because these terms almost always have a purpose, which can be difficult or even annoying to uncover. In other words, language, seemingly innocuous, defines a playing field and also, in a way, the rules of the game as well as the possible explanations and alternatives. And this is no small thing.
Goodbye to Economic Globalization?
I headline this article with a question that, given the economic, political, and also military divisions that are shaking the international scene, might appear to have an obvious answer: in effect, globalization is behind us. But there is another, earlier question that turns out to be quite revealing and, in my opinion, is necessary to pose: which globalization are we talking about?
Yolanda Díaz Says Labor Is Not a Commodity: A Serious Mistake
In the capitalist system, writes Fernando Luengo, “Workers offer their labor power to the owners of the means of production, who buy it in exchange for a wage. This is the essence of capitalism; far from being a peripheral or irrelevant issue, I would say that it constitutes one of the keys that explain the operation and reproduction of the system.”
The Struggle for Quality Employment in the North Country: Beyond Prisons and the Military
In this article, I wanted to go beyond simply presenting statistics to illustrate the extent of unemployment or economic insecurity in the North Country. I thought it was important to discuss how dependence on the military-industrial complex and the prison-industrial complex make the region's economy vulnerable, negatively impacting workers and their families.