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Something You Might Not Know About: Blackstone’s Champlain Hudson Power Express
The Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE), a transmission corridor owned by a subsidiary of private equity group Blackstone, is designed to import hydroelectricity from Canada to Queens. A closer look at the situation, however, reveals that the project represents an effort by a leading fossil fuel profiteer to augment its fossil fuel profits with greenwashed imported hydropower as a false climate solution.
Danish Energy Resilience: Local Decisions With Global Implications
While much of the world uses the energy crisis as an excuse to invest more in fossil fuels, the small country of Denmark has taken an alternative route. Through direct government action and promoting the adoption of renewable energy, Denmark is accelerating the achievement of its climate goals while breaking its dependence on Russian fossil fuel supplies.
Intersecting Roots: A Lost Sense of Authority
“Jordanians are angry that the country’s economic dependence on the United States would be further compounded by this new dependence on Israel for water. Given that the Jordanian regime’s survival is closely intertwined with the West, any disagreement with either the United States or Israel could be detrimental to the country’s stability. The water-energy deal would exacerbate this relationship, and locals were quick to reject it.”