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Voices Talking Wings Voices Talking Wings

Community Gardens in a War Zone: A Call for Solidarity

How do you take care of community gardens in a war zone? How do you educate communities about the importance of protecting non-human animal rights while you hear machine guns firing in the distance? For those who live in countries that have the privilege of peace, these conditions might be hard to imagine. However, the Initiative pour le Progrès et la Protection de l'Environnement (IPPE), or the Initiative for Environmental Progress and Protection, has become all too familiar with realities of running an environmental nonprofit amidst waves of mineral extraction-fueled wars.

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Voices Tom Grotewohl Voices Tom Grotewohl

How Many Drops in a Tidal Wave? Tribal Members and Allies Carry Water 31 Miles in Response to Proposed Copperwood Mine

At 7:00 a.m. on September 14, 2024, dozens of people in colorful skirts and dress pants begin gathering around a small brick duplex at the Michigan/Wisconsin state line in the westernmost Upper Peninsula, just down the road from a series of budget strip clubs and adult video stores. This may seem like a strange place for a Native American ceremony, but not so: just beneath the bridge flows the Montreal River, and anywhere with Nibi is sacred.

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News, Voices Alejandro Beltran Cordero News, Voices Alejandro Beltran Cordero

¡Sí a La Vida, No a La Mina! (Yes to Life, No to the Mine!)

A new gold mine in Veracruz, Mexico, will be the first one in the world to be opened only two miles away from a nuclear reactor and from many pipelines - all in the middle of a densely populated, touristic area that is also the most important migratory route in North America. These are some of the main reasons why local activists are strongly opposing the project.

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