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Analysis Carmen Critelli Analysis Carmen Critelli

Hungary’s Asylum Policy: A Regional Dilemma With Global Implications

On June 13, 2024, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) fined Hungary 200 million euros and imposed a daily penalty of one million Euros for failing to follow the EU’s asylum laws and for illegally deporting migrants. The ECJ stated that Hungary had committed an "unprecedented and exceptionally serious breach of EU law" by restricting refugees’ right to seek asylum.

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Voices We Are Not Numbers Voices We Are Not Numbers

What Does It Mean to Survive?

Time is human, time is ever-changing, never the same, time is unexpected, time is ruthless, and time is everything.

Everything can go so right in a matter of seconds, and in a matter of seconds, all hell can break loose.

I remember the exact time when everything went so wrong and so right.

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News Gaia Guatri News Gaia Guatri

Activists Under Fire: The Rising Criminalization of Civil Movements Across Europe

On May 22, 2024, the air outside Berlin’s Humboldt University was thick with tension. Over a hundred people had peacefully gathered at Universitätsstraße in solidarity with a group of students. The students had occupied the nearby Institute for Social Sciences and renamed it Jabalia Institute after one of the largest refugee camps in Gaza—known as a historic stronghold of resistance. Their voices rose together in steady, rhythmic chants, demanding peace and justice for people facing genocide and violence in Palestine and Lebanon.

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News, Voices John Collins News, Voices John Collins

Ione Belarra: To Stop Genocide in Palestine, We Must Use Our Heads and Our Hearts

s part of my commitment to bringing justice-oriented voices from Spain to a broader audience, especially in the context of the ongoing struggle for justice in Palestine, I am providing this English translation of remarks made by Ione Belarra, leader of the leftist Podemos party and Minister of Social Rights in the Spanish government between 2021 and 2023. Belarra spoke at a Podemos-organized event at the Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid marking 76 years since the beginning of the Palestinian Nakba.

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News, Voices John Collins News, Voices John Collins

Miguel Urbán: The Palestinian Struggle is Our Struggle in Europe

As part of my commitment to bringing justice-oriented voices from Spain to a broader audience, especially in the context of the ongoing struggle for justice in Palestine, I am providing this English translation of remarks made by Spanish activist and Eurodeputy Miguel Urbán at an October 20, 2023 public event in Madrid held in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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News, Voices John Collins News, Voices John Collins

Spanish journalist Olga Rodriguez: “They want the massacre of the Palestinian people to be normalized”

As part of my commitment to bringing justice-oriented voices from Spain to a broader audience, especially in the context of the ongoing struggle for justice in Palestine, I am providing this English translation of remarks made by journalist Olga Rodriguez at an October 20, 2023 public event held in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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Analysis Alyana Contant Analysis Alyana Contant

Indigenous Rights are Land Rights are Human Rights

Indigenous rights are human rights. This article, in combination with a forthcoming interview, discusses how Indigenous communities are continuously disenfranchised by systemic injustices in Thailand and how individuals and networks work toward a more equitable world through creativity and solidarity.

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News, Voices Weave News News, Voices Weave News

Alert: Repression and Eviction of the “El Sur Resiste” (The South Resists) Caravan in Guichicovi, Oaxaca

Translation of a statement issued on April 28 by the National and International Caravan “El Sur Resiste” (The South Resists) regarding the repression and eviction of the "Tierra y Libertad" (Land and Liberty) protest camp, which was located in the Mogoñe Viejo community, Huichicovi, Oaxaca. Mexico. Read the original Spanish statement.

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News, Voices, Analysis Derek Sherrange News, Voices, Analysis Derek Sherrange

Remember the T in LGBTQIA+: Trans Community Faces Increasing Violence in Coastal Kenya

Recently Kenya has come into the global spotlight following the murder of fashion designer, model, and LGBTQIA+ activist Edwin Chiloba in a suspected hate crime in January 2023. However, there are LGBTQIA+ people in Kenya who rarely make it into the global and even national media spotlight - people like Wayne, a monitor with the Center for Minority Rights, who is working to protect and support LGBTQIA+ people in the coastal region of Kenya.

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Analysis Pam Bailey Analysis Pam Bailey

Sahrawi Human Rights Depend on Businesses Prioritizing Ethics Over Profits

As an inducement to defy its population’s strongly pro-Palestine beliefs and normalize relations with Israel, the U.S. government has announced it will reverse decades of respect for international law and recognize Morocco’s longtime claim to Western Sahara. However, the U.S. government should not be allowed to decide the identity of a people. What is needed is for businesses to step up to the plate and stop working with Morocco to profit off of Western Sahara’s natural resources.

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Stories, Analysis Łukasz W. Niparko Stories, Analysis Łukasz W. Niparko

Return to Materialism: COVID-19 Fieldnotes for Upstanders

Łukasz W. Niparko writes: In recent days, we have read enough dystopian visions of the post-COVID world. I do not want to write another one. Because in the hands of upstanders rests the choice between dystopia, maintenance of the status quo, or perhaps a quasi-utopian victory for all of humanity. While being under lockdown, or while on the subway, we have the choice to rethink the losses of the past 30 years and be upstanders before others steal the few freedoms we still have left.

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Stories, Analysis, Voices Ifat Gazia Stories, Analysis, Voices Ifat Gazia

Scarred Childhoods of the Kashmir Conflict

By Ifat Gazia

“I want children of the future to have memories different than my own - so that when they remember the sunshine, it is not in the pain of loss, in the heat of flames,” write Ifat Gazia in her first piece for Weave News. Gazia has lived through the daily reality of militarization in Kashmir, where the impact on ordinary people is tremendously underreported. Join her on this journey of memory, anger, and hope.

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Stories, News, Analysis Torri Lonergan Stories, News, Analysis Torri Lonergan

Will Costa Rica Be the Next Country to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage?

By Torri Lonergan

The issue of marriage equality, set within a larger struggle over LGBTIQ rights, has become a central element of Costa Rica’s ongoing political debate during the country’s 2018 presidential election campaign. In her first post for our Weaving the Streets series, Torri Lonergan reports on how the potential legalization of same-sex marriage is sharpening the fault lines between progressive Costa Ricans and those who hold more more conservative Catholic and evangelical views.

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