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“Xenophobia Stinks”: The Politics of Nicaraguan Immigration in Costa Rica
By Torri Lonergan
As political violence continues in Nicaragua, neighboring Costa Rica is receiving a significant number of Nicaraguan refugees. In recent months, Costa Rica has seen an upsurge in anti-immigrant sentiment as well as popular demonstrations in support of the refugees. Torri Lonergan reports from Costa Rica in her second installment for our Weaving the Streets project.
Israeli Anti-Blackness, Part III
By Jimmy Johnson
Anti-Blackness is built into Zionism and brought from Europe to the colonial encounter, argues Jimmy Johnson. Part III of III.
Covering the Margins, Part II: Promoting Buffalo Through Piecemeal Portrayals of Refugee/Immigrant Populations
By Kali Villarosa
In a period of increasing political contention and global displacement, the conversation around refugees, immigration status and documentation/legality has become more prominent within the news media. In the second installment of her Covering the Margins series exploring news coverage of marginalized populations in Buffalo, NY and Ahmedabad, India, Kali Villarosa examines how three news outlets in Buffalo have framed the story of refugee/immigrant populations in order to tell an especially celebratory story about the city itself.
Lavapiés: The Streets Speak Many Languages
By Ajok Deng
"Skulls and bones emerge from the ground beneath your feet. They peek right above the sidewalks and leave a chilling impression of what was once hidden." Ajok Deng joins our Weaving the Streets project with a report from Lavapiés, an immigrant neighborhood in the heart of Spain's capital. "The history surrounding the dictatorship has long been buried, but it still has a way of creeping up to the surface."
Solidarity in Boston to Resist the Raids
By Nicole Eigbrett
More than sixty musicians, activists, and supporters convened today at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Suffolk County Immigration Detention Justice Center in a display of solidarity with immigrants detained at the County Jail. Weave News reporter Nicole Eigbrett was there.
'Casa Nostra Casa Vostra': Supporting Immigrants and Coexistence in Catalonia
By William Hunt
At a time when the Trump administration's anti-immigrant rhetoric and actions are capturing most of the oxygen in the U.S. news ecosystem, Weave News contributor William Hunt calls our attention to a very different dynamic: the strong pro-immigrant feeling that is increasingly visible in Catalonia.
Interweaving: NCPR's David Sommerstein on Migrant Dairy Farm Workers in the North Country
By Julianne DeGuardi
As part of her ongoing research into the story of migrant farm workers in the North Country dairy industry, Weave News reporter Julianne DeGuardi spoke with another local reporter who has done extensive work on the topic: David Sommerstein of North Country Public Radio (NCPR). Enjoy the latest installment in our Interweaving series!
Border Film Week 2017: How Will You Use Your Mobility?
By Savannah Crowley
As part of our ongoing Weaving the Streets project, Weave News correspondent Savannah Crowley checks in from San Diego, CA, which recently co-hosted the 2017 Border Film Festival. For more of her work, check out her earlier post, “Get Up Offa That Thing!” Showing Up for Justice in San Diego.