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A Migrant's Story: The Real Human Face of the North Country Dairy Industry (II)
By Julianne DeGuardi
In the second installment of her three-part profile of migrant farm worker Juan Garcia, Weave News reporter Julianne DeGuardi details Juan’s story of moving among a number of different work opportunities in New York, Vermont, and Kentucky. Read Part I.
A Migrant’s Story: The Real Human Face of the North Country Dairy Industry (I)
By Julianne DeGuardi
As part of her continuing coverage of the issue of migrant farm workers in the North Country, Julianne DeGuardi begins a three-part profile of one worker whose journey has taken him from Chiapas, Mexico, to northern New York and Vermont.
Justice for Migrant Workers in Vermont!
By Julianne DeGuardi
In this report Julianne DeGuardi continues her investigation of the struggles facing migrant farm workers by looking at the situation in Vermont, where grassroots organizations like Migrant Justice play a key role in advocating for the rights of workers. This advocacy work has taken on a heightened importance in light of the changing national political climate. .
'Casa Nostra Casa Vostra': Supporting Immigrants and Coexistence in Catalonia
By William Hunt
At a time when the Trump administration's anti-immigrant rhetoric and actions are capturing most of the oxygen in the U.S. news ecosystem, Weave News contributor William Hunt calls our attention to a very different dynamic: the strong pro-immigrant feeling that is increasingly visible in Catalonia.