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Toward a Permanent Workforce Compensation Fund: Notes on Key Sources
Journalists are credited with writing the first draft of history. As a professionally trained historian and budding journalist, I take pride in documenting people, places, things, events and ideas. Just as honorable, to me, is highlighting the primary sources that will help students of the moment and students of the past understand the complexities of right now. Primary sources are data for historians – they are artifacts produced in the time period one is studying that bear direct relation to the topic under investigation.
Child Care: Underreported and Underappreciated
On Wednesday, December 13, child care advocates from across New York State gathered in front of the midtown Manhattan building where the Governor stays on New York City trips, 633 Third Avenue. There were close to 30 activists huddled together holding signs, speaking into mics, and demanding that Governor Hochul sign the Decoupling Bill. The Empire State Campaign for Child Care, led by Dede Hill, Executive Director of the Schuyler Center, hosted the rally. I was there, too.