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Artsakh: The Burdens of Healing (Short Documentary)
Weave News is pleased to present this short documentary by Taline Norsigian, a young artist and filmmaker who has previously worked as an intern with our organization. The film was produced in 2022-2023 as part of an independent study project at St. Lawrence University under the supervision of Dr. John Collins. It was released by Hay Hokee Films in 2023.
The Democratic Skylight: Confronting Spain’s Enduring Politics of Violence
“You wouldn’t believe the things people have screamed at me in this room.” Our tour guide for the Democratic Skylight/El Tragaluz Democrático exhibition in Madrid’s La Arqueria didn’t mince words when she brought us into the room containing materials related to Spain’s 1921-1926 colonial war in Morocco. I had previously read about this vicious war (generally known as the Rif War), in which Spain deployed a range of chemical weapons against civilian populations, but I had naively assumed that this aspect of the country’s history was relatively well known.
NPR’s Celebration of German Public Memory: A Study in Colonial Amnesia
By acknowledging only the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, Martin and Smith’s conversation actually illustrates the failure of Germany to be “honest about its past harms.” For example, there is an urgent need to overcome the collective denial surrounding Germany’s history of colonization and genocide.
Chueca: A Complex Site of Struggle
Is Chueca also a site of radical resistance? Is the counter-cultural queer struggle of 1970s and ’80s Madrid still alive? The quiet but subtly powerful presence of posters, stickers, and wall art strewn between the trendy shops and narrow streets make one inclined to say yes. The point, then, is that this struggle is one of many.
Scarred Childhoods of the Kashmir Conflict
By Ifat Gazia
“I want children of the future to have memories different than my own - so that when they remember the sunshine, it is not in the pain of loss, in the heat of flames,” write Ifat Gazia in her first piece for Weave News. Gazia has lived through the daily reality of militarization in Kashmir, where the impact on ordinary people is tremendously underreported. Join her on this journey of memory, anger, and hope.
Forgetting and Remembering Collective Memory in Spain
By Ajok Deng
As a contributor to the Weaving the Streets project, I have been looking into the issue of collective memory and the reconstruction of identities in post-dictatorship Spain. My first two blog posts focused on Lavapiés, a multicultural neighborhood in Madrid, using street art as a medium for juxtaposing modern-day activities with the history of the Franco dictatorship. This third post focuses on Santander, a city where the present and the past exist simultaneously.
Lavapiés: The Streets Speak Many Languages
By Ajok Deng
"Skulls and bones emerge from the ground beneath your feet. They peek right above the sidewalks and leave a chilling impression of what was once hidden." Ajok Deng joins our Weaving the Streets project with a report from Lavapiés, an immigrant neighborhood in the heart of Spain's capital. "The history surrounding the dictatorship has long been buried, but it still has a way of creeping up to the surface."