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Activists Under Fire: The Rising Criminalization of Civil Movements Across Europe
On May 22, 2024, the air outside Berlin’s Humboldt University was thick with tension. Over a hundred people had peacefully gathered at Universitätsstraße in solidarity with a group of students. The students had occupied the nearby Institute for Social Sciences and renamed it Jabalia Institute after one of the largest refugee camps in Gaza—known as a historic stronghold of resistance. Their voices rose together in steady, rhythmic chants, demanding peace and justice for people facing genocide and violence in Palestine and Lebanon.
Feminist Reimagining in Pakistan: From NGOs to Emancipation
The Aurat March’s expressions of solidarity, and the deliberate centering of womxn who are left most vulnerable in the current system, has led to a radical reimagining of what third world feminist politics can look like and what it can, and should, lead to: emancipation.
‘Much more than a bathroom’: NGO Battles Argentina's High Inflation in Mission to Support Hygiene and Public Health
This year, the children of two families outside Buenos Aires celebrated a simple yet essential pleasure for the first time in their lives: the warmth of a shower inside their own home. This sea change resulted from the work of a group of volunteers who undertook bathroom construction in 48 hours under the auspices of Módulo Sanitario, an Argentinian non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides bathrooms for those without access to them.
UN Funding Cuts Jeopardize Deaf Children in Gaza
By Asmaa Tayeh
Zeyad Aabed has devoted his career—26 years—to running an NGO dedicated to offering education and health services to the deaf. It was, to say the least, a labor of love. But now, much of the funding on which his NGO depends is drying up. And today, he feels exhausted and depressed, fearful he will have to close the El-Amal Rehabilitation Society altogether. (Reposted from We Are Not Numbers)
The Case for Increasing Accountability in Development
By Khadeeja Hamid
Khadeeja Hamid aruges that a more robust accountability regime that places emphasis on downward, inward and horizontal accountability is crucial for the integration of human rights with development practice.