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NPR’s Celebration of German Public Memory: A Study in Colonial Amnesia
By acknowledging only the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, Martin and Smith’s conversation actually illustrates the failure of Germany to be “honest about its past harms.” For example, there is an urgent need to overcome the collective denial surrounding Germany’s history of colonization and genocide.
NPR and Angela Davis: A Tale of Mythology and Missed Opportunities
By John Collins
At a time when socialism is enjoying a resurgence and the structural flaws of capitalism are coming under greater scrutiny, when the evils of mass incarceration are being openly discussed, when even US support for Israel is on the table for debate in Washington, there is no better moment to seek out the prophetic voice of Angela Davis. Yet as John Collins notes in this news analysis piece focusing on National Public Radio (NPR), her voice is rarely found in the broadcasts and pages of US establishment media.