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After January 6th: Critical and Grassroots Perspectives
On January 22, Weave News hosted a live panel discussion focusing on the January 6 attack on the US Capitol and its implications for struggles for justice in the United States. The panelists were Damon Berry, Nicole Eigbrett, Thahitun Mariam, and Steve Peraza.
Mass Action in Boston Against Police Brutality: “It’s about all of us”
By Nicole Eigbrett
BOSTON, MA – Demonstrators gathered at the Boston Police Headquarters in Roxbury on April 4, demanding for justice for Stephon Clark, Usaamah Rahim, Terrance Coleman, and several other victims who were killed by police officers.
#WeaveNews10 Preview with Filmmaker Quester Hannah
By Nicole Eigbrett
Nicole Eigbrett, social media director for Weave News, chatted with filmmaker Quester Hannah about his experiences and what to expect from his presentations at the Weave News 10th Anniversary Conference.
Solidarity in Boston to Resist the Raids
By Nicole Eigbrett
More than sixty musicians, activists, and supporters convened today at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Suffolk County Immigration Detention Justice Center in a display of solidarity with immigrants detained at the County Jail. Weave News reporter Nicole Eigbrett was there.
Why I'm Reclaiming My Asian Racial Identity in Trump's America
By Nicole Eigbrett
In the past week, people who identify as Women, Muslims, Disabled, LGBTQ+, Immigrants, Black, Asian, Latinx, and anyone else in between have faced a startling rise in hate threats, visual statements, and actual assault. Insanul Ahmed, a Brooklyn-based music editor, collected an ongoing Twitter list of racist accounts towards people of color in the first day following the election. The Southern Poverty Law Center launched a #ReportHate portal for citizens and witnesses to submit incidences of hateful harassment and intimidation. As of November 11, over 200 incidences were directly reported. That number is bound to rise. Not that these threats didn’t exist before, but the reactionary nature and hyper-visibility of these recent incidents are directly tied to the election of Trump.