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Decoding ‘The Media and Me’ (Book Review)
As a professionally trained historian, it’s important for me to introduce my review of The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People with commentary and analysis on the Philip L. Graham quote: “News is the first rough draft of history.” Graham, former president and publisher of the Washington Post, was reported to have made this claim in 1963, and it has been memorialized as an evocation of journalists’ front line role in the production of history. The quote has been cited as a way to appreciate journalists as the first to document the people, places, and things that matter to the history of a given society – as providing evidence of happenings and a lens through which to view them.
Weave News to co-sponsor the 2018 Media Freedom Summit 2.0
By John Collins
Weave News is pleased to announce that it will be co-sponsoring the 2018 Media Freedom Summit 2.0, to be held on Oct. 26-27 on the campus of the College of Marin. Organized by Project Censored, the conference will be "an opportunity for journalists, students, faculty, activists, and community members to identify and address crucial threats to media freedom, to learn about and share effective strategies for advancing media freedom, and to promote critical media literacy education in service of social justice, civic engagement, and positive, meaningful change in local communities and larger society."
Big Questions with Bay Area activists at the Media Freedom Summit
By John Collins
On October 21-22 I had the pleasure of attending the Media Freedom Summit held at Sonoma State University in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Project Censored. In addition to co-leading a workshop on "People's Videography and Citizen Journalism," at which I spoke on behalf of Weave News about our Big Questions and Holot: Crossroads of Global Violence projects, I was fortunate to be able to conduct Big Questions interviews with three inspiring activists: Deseriee McSwain, Ana Rivera, and Nadya Tannous.