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Where Are You Going, Europe?
And now what? It seems the new US administration has taken the initiative to bring an end to the war in Ukraine. This represents an important shift from the policy developed by Joe Biden, which consisted of promoting and fueling the conflict and trying to put Russia, and in the process Europe, on the ropes.
Trump, Europe, and Military Spending
It is clear that Donald Trump's broad victory in the US elections will have – and already has, in fact – important economic, social and political consequences, both in the United States and on a global scale. And, of course, it also affects Europe.
This Europe, No
From June 6-9, elections for the European Parliament, the only genuinely democratic institution in the community’s institutional framework - its members are directly chosen by the citizenry, whereas the rest are intergovernmental in nature - will be held. It is a good moment to think about the challenges facing the European Union (EU) and, I would say, the entire planet.
Goodbye to Economic Globalization?
I headline this article with a question that, given the economic, political, and also military divisions that are shaking the international scene, might appear to have an obvious answer: in effect, globalization is behind us. But there is another, earlier question that turns out to be quite revealing and, in my opinion, is necessary to pose: which globalization are we talking about?
Danish Energy Resilience: Local Decisions With Global Implications
While much of the world uses the energy crisis as an excuse to invest more in fossil fuels, the small country of Denmark has taken an alternative route. Through direct government action and promoting the adoption of renewable energy, Denmark is accelerating the achievement of its climate goals while breaking its dependence on Russian fossil fuel supplies.