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Rational Environmental Politics: Report From Vienna’s Climate March
By Wyatt Adams
“How can that be?” asked the older Austrian man sitting on the next barstool. “How can that many people deny accepted science?” Weave News reporter Wyatt Adams reports for our Weaving the Streets project on his visit to the annual Climate March in Vienna, where climate change denial is almost unthinkable.
Rebels with a Cause: Alternative and Oppositional Culture in Vienna
By Wyatt Adams
"It seems like a ritual here. On an almost biweekly basis, the Ringgasse goes silent, the barriers go up, and riot police in white helmets and shoulder pads take to the streets." In his latest Weaving the Streets post, Wyatt Adams explores the ubiquity of political demonstrations and other forms of oppositional street culture in Vienna.
Welcome to Vienna: Lamp Posts and Bathroom Stalls as Canvasses
By Wyatt Adams
In his first contribution to our Weaving the Streets project, Wyatt Adams checks in from Vienna, Austria, where the heavy presence of antifascist and other leftist stickers signal a distinctive form of street art that is visible on lamp posts, in bathroom stalls, and in other locations throughout the city.