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Celebrating the Most-Read Weave News Stories of 2024
During 2024, Weave News was pleased to be able to publish a wide range of original content from our global network of grassroots journalists. These stories focused on a variety of social justice issues across the global-local continuum, from urgent struggles to protect waterways to the ongoing struggle against genocide in Palestine. As a turbulent year draws to a close, we feature the ten Weave News original stories and translations that were read the most throughout the year.
Grassroots Media as Mutual Aid: Breaking the Hold of Information Pollution
The result of the recent US elections provides further confirmation that what we are witnessing in much of the world is the consolidation of a 21st century form of fascist authoritarianism grounded in the rising power of Big Tech as well as resurgent forms of racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. But it is also an elite project of meeting present and future climate crisis, with all of its horrifying ripple effects, through mass violence (including genocide) and mass manipulation. What does such a moment mean for those of us who work in grassroots and independent media? What does it demand of us?
International Critical Media Literacy Conference Features Weave News Projects
Four members of the Weave News team presented their work at the 2021 Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas (CMLCA), held virtually from October 15-17, 2021. With sessions in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, the conference celebrated the life and work of the Brazilian scholar-activist Paulo Freire (1921-1997), widely considered the “father of critical pedagogy.”
SLCJI Celebration: Citizen Journalism in the North Country
By NextGen Media
On Friday, April 19, the TAUNY Center in Canton, NY hosted a “Citizen Journalism Showcase” organized by the St. Lawrence Citizen Journalism Incubator (SLCJI), a collaboration of four North Country organizations: Weave News, North Country Public Radio, The Hill News, and Nature Up North. The event showcased the projects of eight citizen journalists who participated in the first year of the SLCJI.
Training Citizen Journalists and “Building Community Power”: SLCJI Launches in Canton, NY
By John Collins
On an early fall weekend, a diverse group of North Country residents gathered on the campus of St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY, to inaugurate an innovative new experiment in grassroots journalism: the St. Lawrence Citizen Journalism Incubator.
Weave News 10th Anniversary Conference Presenters
By Nicole Eigbrett
Meet your presenters for the Weave News 10th Anniversary Conference.
Weave News 10th Anniversary Conference and Call for Proposals
By Nicole Eigbrett
We are now accepting proposals for workshops and topical panel discussions at the Weave News 10th Anniversary Conference.