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“Not Another Billionaire!”: North Country Activists Mark Inauguration Day With Rally for Economic Justice
On a day when Donald Trump, surrounded by tech titans such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, was inaugurated for the second time, a group of determined residents in northern New York took to the streets seeking to re-energize the struggle against oligarchy and predatory capitalism.
Activists Under Fire: The Rising Criminalization of Civil Movements Across Europe
On May 22, 2024, the air outside Berlin’s Humboldt University was thick with tension. Over a hundred people had peacefully gathered at Universitätsstraße in solidarity with a group of students. The students had occupied the nearby Institute for Social Sciences and renamed it Jabalia Institute after one of the largest refugee camps in Gaza—known as a historic stronghold of resistance. Their voices rose together in steady, rhythmic chants, demanding peace and justice for people facing genocide and violence in Palestine and Lebanon.
A Historic Win for NYC Climate Activists Shows the Impact of Direct Action
In a historic statement on October 22, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander announced support for a plan to divest the city’s pension funds from downstream and midstream fossil fuel infrastructure. Paired with previous divestments in upstream infrastructure and public holdings in fossil fuels, this plan would make NYC the first major U.S. city to fully divest major public pension funds from fossil fuel infrastructure. Lander has been showered with praise for this decision. But where is the praise for the activists who helped make it happen through direct action?
Feminist Reimagining in Pakistan: From NGOs to Emancipation
The Aurat March’s expressions of solidarity, and the deliberate centering of womxn who are left most vulnerable in the current system, has led to a radical reimagining of what third world feminist politics can look like and what it can, and should, lead to: emancipation.
Malaga for Palestine: “The generations surge together in resistance to meet the reality of power”
I woke up this morning in Malaga with the knowledge that today was an important day in Spain: a day of nationwide demonstrations calling for an end to Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. At a time when European leaders continue to fail to meet their basic moral obligations vis-a-vis the Palestinian people, more than 70 Spanish cities from Alacant and Albacete to Zamora and Zaragoza were scheduled to host actions under the common banner of stopping the genocide, ending arms sales to Israel, and cutting off diplomatic relations with the apartheid state.
The Anti-Zionist Generation: Gen Z Demands an End to the Israeli Occupation Despite Widespread Repression
On Thursday, November 16, I attended a “huelga estudantil” (student strike) held in Madrid, Spain, in support of Palestine. I was amazed to look out at the crowd and see such a diversity of young faces ranging from middle school students to university-age young adults. It was a truly diverse coalition of young people who were all there for the same reason: to condemn the current Israeli assault on Gaza and call for an end to the Israeli occupation. The fact that such a large group of students left their classrooms vacant to take to the streets in support of Palestine gave a strong sense that Gen Z is fiercely challenging the normalization of Israeli oppression.
Climate Justice Now! Spaniards Demand Decarbonization at Madrid March
“De norte al sur, de este al oeste, la lucha sigue, cueste lo que cueste! (From north to south, from east to west, the struggle continues, whatever it takes!)” With this and other slogans ringing in the air, hundreds of activists of all ages filled the streets of downtown Madrid, Spain, on September 15 to demand rapid decarbonization and climate justice. At a time when news reports here are filled with stories of floods, fires, and killer storms throughout the wider Mediterranean region, Madrid’s 15S Climate March provided a much-needed dose of what is usually missing from those reports: a clear-eyed look at the policy steps that must be taken in order to face down our climate crisis.
Resistance Flows On: Mexico’s Water Defenders Unite Their Efforts Once Again
The Fifth Community Assembly for Water (La Quinta Asamblea Comunitaria por el Agua) was held on Friday, May 5, 2023, in Pacho Viejo, Veracruz, Mexico. Pacho Viejo seems an apt location for a convention on the protection and conservation of la Cuenca la Antigua (the Antigua Watershed). It is in the geographic heart of this river basin, situated between the cities of Xalapa, the capital of Veracruz, and Coatepec, often called “the Coffee Capital of Mexico.” This assembly of Sentinelas de rio (River Sentinels) represented a convergence of undercurrents running beneath the region’s rich culture, ongoing political strife, and incredible biodiversity, all flowing toward safeguarding the ultimate source of life: water.
The Battle for Quinta Torre Arias: From Common Ground to Private Playground
Once a noble countryside estate, Quinta Torre Arias is now a public park in the Spanish capital, Madrid, with gardens that welcome the community. However, current Madrid mayor, José Luiz Martínez-Almeida of the People’s Party, has different plans for the park, and the threat of its return to privatization looms.
Resistiendo “Proyectos de Muerte”: Entrevista con Carlos Beas Torres
Aquí presentamos una entrevista con Carlos Beas Torres de la Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Nortel del Istmo de Tehuantepec (UCIZONI), una organización que ha resistido a CIIT desde su inicio, y que forma parte de la caravana “El Sur Resiste.”
Resisting “Death Projects”: An Interview With Carlos Beas Torres
The following is an interview with Carlos Beas Torres, a member of the Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Nortel del Istmo de Tehuantepec (Union of Indigenous Communities from the North of the Isthmus or UCIZONIT), an organization that has resisted the CIIT since its conception and forms part of the “El Sur Resiste” (The South Resists) Caravan.
8M Demonstration in Madrid: Where Women’s Struggles Meet Workers’ Struggles
The color purple took over the main streets of Madrid. Thousands of women and allies holding up signs were waiting for the demonstration to begin. I have never seen so many people gathered together – people from all ages and backgrounds prepared for this rally to begin.
“We’re trying to move a society”: Speaking Up For the Rights of Rivers in the North Country
“Rivers keep us alive and keep so many other living beings alive.” With those words, Blake Lavia, the President of Talking Rivers, welcomed more than 30 North Country community members to a wide-ranging discussion on a revolutionary idea: the Rights of Rivers. Held at Clarkson University on Earth Day (April 22), the event showcased the local and global momentum behind the idea as well as some of the key challenges facing those who would like the Rights of Rivers to become law across the St. Lawrence River / Kaniatarowanénhne and Adirondack Watersheds.
Lavapiés: The Perfect Place for Rebellion
Since January 2022, Spain, like much of Europe, has suffered a prolonged drought exacerbated by climate change. Luckily, activist groups such as Extinction Rebellion are paving the way for a revolution to fight the destruction caused by our inaction against climate change. Recently I came across some of Extinction Rebellion’s powerful visuals while walking through the Lavapiés neighborhood in the Spanish capital, Madrid.
Criminalizing Solidarity: The Eternal Fascist Playbook
Here’s the thing: Fascists hate solidarity. At a minimum, they want you to laugh at people who embrace the solidarity impulse and who act accordingly. At a maximum, they want you to support the criminalization and violent suppression of this impulse. What this means is that acting out of solidarity is a fundamental part of the larger project of fighting fascism - a project whose global urgency is growing by the day.
The Global Tapestry of Alternatives: Stories of Resilience, Existence, and Re-Existence
Across the world there are tens of thousands of attempts to construct alternative realities — either through sustaining things from the past which are still relevant, equitable, and just, or creating new ones.
Art From the Frontlines of a Threatened Mountainside
In a follow up to “Coatepec: The Fight for the Cloud Forest”, a Forest Guardian from Movimiento por la Defensa de la Sierra describes the impact of art on their movement. The artists in question are children, and the young Earth Guardians are inspiring their community to rise up and protect their forests.
The River Says NO
On January 20, 2015, the PUCARL Collective (United Communities of the Antigua Watershed for Free Rivers) blocked the entrance to the Río Pescados (River of Fishes), halting the construction of a dam that was threatening the entire region. The 43 communities along the Rio Pescados are the first to defeat Odebrecht, thus protecting their waterways for the generations to come.
Coatepec: The Fight For the Cloud Forest
5,000 acres of cloud forest are currently being threatened in Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico - but local forest protectors are standing up to defend the ecosystem.
White Privilege, COVID-19, and the End of Capitalism
In the widespread protests against police violence following the murder of George Floyd, Blake Lavia sees evidence of how COVID-19 has brought the problems of a “racist economic system” into sharper view. Can the current uprisings hold the key to addressing both the climate crisis and the need to build a more just economic system? The challenge, Lavia argues, is for white people to look themselves in the mirror, go beyond performative solidarity, and work actively to dismantle oppressive systems.