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Voices Talking Wings Voices Talking Wings

Community Gardens in a War Zone: A Call for Solidarity

How do you take care of community gardens in a war zone? How do you educate communities about the importance of protecting non-human animal rights while you hear machine guns firing in the distance? For those who live in countries that have the privilege of peace, these conditions might be hard to imagine. However, the Initiative pour le Progrès et la Protection de l'Environnement (IPPE), or the Initiative for Environmental Progress and Protection, has become all too familiar with realities of running an environmental nonprofit amidst waves of mineral extraction-fueled wars.

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News, Analysis, Voices Weave News News, Analysis, Voices Weave News

Grassroots Media as Mutual Aid: Breaking the Hold of Information Pollution

The result of the recent US elections provides further confirmation that what we are witnessing in much of the world is the consolidation of a 21st century form of fascist authoritarianism grounded in the rising power of Big Tech as well as resurgent forms of racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. But it is also an elite project of meeting present and future climate crisis, with all of its horrifying ripple effects, through mass violence (including genocide) and mass manipulation. What does such a moment mean for those of us who work in grassroots and independent media? What does it demand of us?

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Voices Karni Keushgerian Voices Karni Keushgerian

Activism for Palestine in Trinidad & Tobago: A Form of Kinship in Resistance

During this year’s annual Carnival festival in Trinidad and Tobago’s capital city of Port of Spain, a Moko Jumbi – a traditional stilt walker and spirit dancer – paraded the streets representing Palestine and demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. In Trinbagonian culture, the Moko Jumbie represents a spirit walking over and protecting the souls of all those who were massacred and lost during the transatlantic slave trade. This year, its mission was extended to solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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Voices John Collins Voices John Collins

Interweaving with Jorge Ramos Tolosa: Spain’s First Student Encampment for Palestine

To learn more about the first encampment in Valencia, I reached out to Dr. Jorge Ramos Tolosa, who teaches contemporary history at UV. In addition to his scholarship and teaching, he is a longtime activist with BDS Valencia and the Red Solidaria contra la Ocupación de Palestina (RESCOP), a network of Spanish organizations working in solidarity with Palestine.

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News, Voices John Collins News, Voices John Collins

Manal Tamimi on Life and “Resisting Alone” in the West Bank After October 7

On March 3, more than 100 people showed up in Madrid, Spain, to hear a first-hand report from Manal Tamimi, a Palestinian activist whose family has been at the center of resistance efforts in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. In a talk that was both moving and sobering, Tamimi spoke passionately about the ongoing struggle of West Bank Palestinians at a time when the Israeli state’s machinery of violence appears to be more emboldened than ever thanks to the active and passive support of governments the world over.

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Voices John Collins Voices John Collins

Malaga for Palestine: “The generations surge together in resistance to meet the reality of power”

I woke up this morning in Malaga with the knowledge that today was an important day in Spain: a day of nationwide demonstrations calling for an end to Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. At a time when European leaders continue to fail to meet their basic moral obligations vis-a-vis the Palestinian people, more than 70 Spanish cities from Alacant and Albacete to Zamora and Zaragoza were scheduled to host actions under the common banner of stopping the genocide, ending arms sales to Israel, and cutting off diplomatic relations with the apartheid state.

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News, Voices Derek Sherrange News, Voices Derek Sherrange

The Anti-Zionist Generation: Gen Z Demands an End to the Israeli Occupation Despite Widespread Repression

On Thursday, November 16, I attended a “huelga estudantil” (student strike) held in Madrid, Spain, in support of Palestine. I was amazed to look out at the crowd and see such a diversity of young faces ranging from middle school students to university-age young adults. It was a truly diverse coalition of young people who were all there for the same reason: to condemn the current Israeli assault on Gaza and call for an end to the Israeli occupation. The fact that such a large group of students left their classrooms vacant to take to the streets in support of Palestine gave a strong sense that Gen Z is fiercely challenging the normalization of Israeli oppression.

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News, Voices John Collins News, Voices John Collins

Miguel Urbán: The Palestinian Struggle is Our Struggle in Europe

As part of my commitment to bringing justice-oriented voices from Spain to a broader audience, especially in the context of the ongoing struggle for justice in Palestine, I am providing this English translation of remarks made by Spanish activist and Eurodeputy Miguel Urbán at an October 20, 2023 public event in Madrid held in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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News, Voices John Collins News, Voices John Collins

Spanish journalist Olga Rodriguez: “They want the massacre of the Palestinian people to be normalized”

As part of my commitment to bringing justice-oriented voices from Spain to a broader audience, especially in the context of the ongoing struggle for justice in Palestine, I am providing this English translation of remarks made by journalist Olga Rodriguez at an October 20, 2023 public event held in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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Analysis Alyana Contant Analysis Alyana Contant

Indigenous Rights are Land Rights are Human Rights

Indigenous rights are human rights. This article, in combination with a forthcoming interview, discusses how Indigenous communities are continuously disenfranchised by systemic injustices in Thailand and how individuals and networks work toward a more equitable world through creativity and solidarity.

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News, Voices Weave News News, Voices Weave News

Resisting “Death Projects”: An Interview With Carlos Beas Torres

The following is an interview with Carlos Beas Torres, a member of the Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Nortel del Istmo de Tehuantepec (Union of Indigenous Communities from the North of the Isthmus or UCIZONIT), an organization that has resisted the CIIT since its conception and forms part of the “El Sur Resiste” (The South Resists) Caravan.

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Voices, Analysis John Collins Voices, Analysis John Collins

Criminalizing Solidarity: The Eternal Fascist Playbook

Here’s the thing: Fascists hate solidarity. At a minimum, they want you to laugh at people who embrace the solidarity impulse and who act accordingly. At a maximum, they want you to support the criminalization and violent suppression of this impulse. What this means is that acting out of solidarity is a fundamental part of the larger project of fighting fascism - a project whose global urgency is growing by the day.

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News, Voices Amanda Salgueiro News, Voices Amanda Salgueiro

A Vigil in Solidarity With Palestinians

In response to the ongoing Israeli violence against Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah, Gaza, and elsewhere, several dozen St. Lawrence University students, faculty and alumni gathered on May 15 for a Vigil in Solidarity With Palestinians.

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Stories, Analysis John Collins Stories, Analysis John Collins

On the Materiality of Solidarity

“Remember the solidarity here and everywhere…” Beginning with this quote from the legendary Palestinian scholar Edward Said, John Collins offers some reflections on a recent panel discussion where he and colleagues from Mexico, Palestine, and the UK discussed the looming threat of Israeli annexation and the changing conditions within which activists around the world express their solidarity with Palestine’s struggle for liberation.

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